
Showing posts from February, 2019

Tips On Maximizing Your Australian Tax Refund

There is no arguing with the fact that doing taxes is a cumbersome task. But a little time spent over your finances can help you save money and improve business productivity.  Read on to know the tips to maximize your tax return . Let’s talk about them in detail.  1. Claim All the Deductions: As a matter of fact, tax deductions are the single easiest and the most prevalent way to get a higher tax refund. In order to do so, make sure you claim a deduction for every work-related expense that your employer has not already reimbursed you for, you are legally entitled to. These expenses include: 1. Clothing, laundry and dry-cleaning expenses 2. Overtime Meals 3. Self-education expenses 4. Vehicle and travel expenses 5. Tools, equipment and other equipment 6. Mobile phone, internet, and landline expense 7. Other work-related deductions 2. Save Your Receipts: If you work from home, it is important for you to save invoices of water, phone, power, internet and office supplies. Make sur